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Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

Social Norms

Nama Kelompok:  Capital
Wibisono Suprapto                             28210481
Jhon Philip S                                       23210754
I Made W Subrata                              23210346
Arya Faisal                                          21210150
Dwi Manggala S                                 22210194

Social Norms
Norms are rules of conduct that contains instructions that should or should not be made of human and non-binding . This means that a man shall comply with existing norms . Norms are rules or regulations that govern life and human relations in a broad sense . Norma is clues for human life and one's code of conduct in force in the community . The purpose of the norm is to ensure all irregularities . Its concrete form of law and demonstrate a positive and proactive attitude . To ensure regularity constraints do exist , that is the mentality like bypass and a lot of talk but little action . That is a summary of the material on NORM "
While social norms is common practice that a standard of behavior in a society and certain regional boundaries . Norma will be developed along with community social agreements , often also referred to as social regulation .

Norms prevailing in society can be classified into 5 types, namely religious norms, moral norms, norms of politeness, norms customs, and laws .

Religious norms is a norm or rule that is based on the teachings of a religion. This norm is absolute and requires obedience for the followers and believers. The obedience will be given salvation in the afterlife, while in violation will be punished in the afterlife. Religion for people in Indonesia are able to form religious life of physical and spiritual pleasure. In Indonesia, religion is divided into 5 sections namely Islam, Christian, Catholic, Hindu, and Buddhists.

• Norms Islam among other obligation to carry out Islamic law and pillars of the Imam.
• In Christianity, the obligation to run ten commandments.
• In the Hindu religion, belief in reincarnation, which is a rebirth for the man who has died according to his karma, accordance with life in the past.

Examples of violations of religious norms: Insulting others, commit adultery, steal, get drunk, etc..

Moral norms are based on the human conscience or morals. Universal moral norms. That is, every person in this world have it, just form and realization are different.

Examples of moral norms violations, such as murder, rape, and betrayal, is generally denied by all people everywhere.

3.      NORMS of DECENCY  
Norms decency is the norm that stems from the a code of conduct that apply in the community such as how to dress, how to behave in socially, and talk. This Norms is relative. That is, the application is different in different places, environments, and time. For example, determine the appropriate category in the dress between one place to another is sometimes different. Similarly, between the rich and the poor.
Do not wear flashy jewelry and clothes when mourning.
Say thank you when getting help or assistance.
Ask for forgiveness when did wrong or upset others.

Examples of violations of norms of decency: saying rude to parents, spitting at any place, eating and talking, get into someone else's house without permission.

4.         NORMA HABITS
Norms habit is a result of the actions committed repeatedly in the same form that it becomes habit. People who do not do this norm is usually considered strange by the surrounding environment.

Habit performing "selametan" or prayer for the new born child.
homecoming activities ahead of the holiday.
The event commemorates the spirits of people who have died in the Manggarai, Flores.

Examples of violations of norms habit: wearing revealing clothes, fart in any place, to persecute someone, and eating while standing.

Rule of law is a set of life instructions or commands and prohibitions that govern the order in a society ( country ) . Sanctions are binding legal norms and force . The sanctions implemented by an institution that has sovereignty , namely country .
Characteristic of the rule of law , among others, are recognized by the public as a legitimate and provisions contained as a law enforcement authority to impose sanctions . The purpose of legal norms is to create an atmosphere of safety and peace in society .

example :
• Do not do the crime, such as stealing , killing , cheating .
• Obligation to pay taxes .
• Provide court testimony in front siding .

Examples of violations of the rule of law : through the traffic , do not use a helmet when riding a motorcycle , stealing , etc. .

In our opinion , the violation of which is often done by students is the norm violation habits. Like not doing the tasks assigned by the lecturers , lecturers do not attend courses taught ( called also by the students with the word " Cabut " ) , when the incoming clock late course , cheating on exams , etc. .

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