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Selasa, 30 April 2013

soal soal TOEFL

1.   After roosting all day in a dark cave, a bat leaves its shelter and spends the night
               A                                                        B                                  C
Hunting for their food.
Jawab : (D) singular pronoun, their -> its
Penjelasan: Kalimat di atas memiliki subyek tunggal ( a bat ) sehingga predikat atau kata kerja serta kata ganti yang mengikuti pun harus tunggal. Kesalahan pada kalimat di atas adalah opsi (D), di mana their adalah kata ganti untuk subyek jamak (plural).

2.    At present, advertising is one of the most strictly regulated industry in the United  
       A                             B                           C                                 D
Jawab : (D) quantifier one of, industry -> industries
Penjelasan : Kesalahan pada kalimat di atas terletak pada opsi jawaban (D). Kata benda industry seharusnya berbentuk jamak (plural) karena merupakan bagian dari keterangan kuantitas one of.

3.   Buttercups are avoided by grazing animals because their bitter juices.
                    A                  B      C                          D
Jawab : (D) adverb, because -> because of
Penjelasan : Kesalahan pada kalimat di atas terletak pada opsi jawaban (D). Subordinating conjunction because seharusnya diikuti sebuah klausa. Jika hanya diikuti kata benda, kata itu seharusnya because of.

4.   Jan Sibelius, a Finnish composer, captured the spirit of him country in his music.
                          A              B                                            C                             D
Jawab : (C) possessive pronoun, him -> his
Penjelasan : Kesalahan pada kalimat di atas terletak pada jawaban (C). Untuk menjelaskan kata country digunakan kata ganti kepemilikan (possessive pronoun) yang merujuk pada subyek Jan Sibelius. Sehingga kata him (object pronoun) seharusnya diganti dengan his.

5.  The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 gave ships the means by whom they could
            A                                                                                          B           C
travel from Europe to the Orient without sailing around Africa.
Jawab : (B) relative pronoun/introductory word, by whom -> by which
Penjelasan : Kesalahan pada kalimat di atas terletak pada jawaban (B). Kata benda the means dijelaskan oleh klausa kata sifat by whom.....tapi relative pronoun introductory word whom tidak tepat digunakan karena the means adalah benda selain manusia. Oleh karena itu lebih tepat jika diganti dengan by which...

6.  Earthworms make their path through heavily soil by eating it and then eliminating it
                        A                                        B                            C
behind them.
Jawab : (B) adjective, heavily->heavy
Penjelasan : Kesalahan pada kalimat di atas terletak pada jawaban (B). Untuk menjelaskan / memperluas kata benda soil seharusnya menggunakan kata sifat heavy bukan keterangan (adverb) heavily.

7.  The Gadsden Purchase came about because of a boundary dispute and because of
                                         A        B                                        C
a railway was proposed.
Jawab : (D) noun phrase with past particpial, a railway was proposed->a proposed railway
Penjelasan : Conjuction because of seharusnya diikuti kata benda. Untuk menjadi sebuah frasa kata benda a railway was proposed diubah menjadi a proposed railway.

8. Most geologist believe that petroleum was formed of the remains of tiny marine

                        A                                         B
    plants and animals that died millions of years ago 
                                            C             D
 Answer : B (of)
"formed from";"of" is the wrong preposition

9. Oliver Wendell Holmes was an American writer who achieved famous for his essays and poems
                                          A                          B          C          D
Answer : D (famous)
"fame"; the noun, is needed, not the adjective

10.Honey is the sweet, thick fluid did by bees from flower nectar, which is thin
                                       A             B                                                 C
and watery
Answer : B (did)
"fluid made by bees"

11. New housing construction fell to inadequate levels during world Wars I and II
                                                 A                                      B
because of builders lacked materials
     C                                       D
Answer : C (because of)
"because builders lacked materials"; "because" connects two clauses

12. The Hudson River is sometimes called the Rhine of America because some sections
                                           A                                                            B
of its beautiful shores look alike the shores of the Rhine
    C                                      D
Answer : D (alike)
"look like"

13. In the United States, petunias are cultivated widely as annually garden flowers
     A                                               B                         C             D
Answer : D (annually)
"annual" an adjective, is needed

14. Today, a person can to take a picture simply by aiming the camera and pressing
                                          A                          B     C 
a button
Answer : A (to take)
The underlined to take, an infinitive never follows a modal. Therefore, the sentence should read “Today, a person can take a picture simly by aiming the camera and pressing a button.”

15. Parrots are sociable, noise birds that live chiefly in forested areas in lowlands
                                           A              B             C               D
and mountains
Answer : A (noise)
The underlined word noise, an adjective, and is needed to describe “birds”, not a noun. Therefore, the sentence should read, “Parrots are sociable, noisy birds that live chiefly in forested areas in lowlands and mountains.”

2. http://pembahasan-soal-soal-toefl.blogspot.com/
3. Steinberg, Roberta. Precentice-Hall’s Practice Test For The TOEFL. Precentice-Hall, Inc. 1987. New Jersey

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